FS25 New Machinery: MacDon Pack

FS25 New Machinery: MacDon Pack
Giant Software has released a new MacDon trailer for Farming Simulator 25. MacDon packs come to the game in two formats: one, as a pre-order bonus with the MacDon pack, and two, we have the FD 250 Flex scraper header included in the base game. For those unfamiliar with the MacDown pack, it is a pre-order bonus for players on Steam, Epic, Xbox, and PlayStation and those who buy directly from Giants shop. Lastly, if you have ordered a physical collector edition, you will also have it.
Let’s discuss what we see in the trailer. The M1240 Windrower is pulling the DX 140 header. Notice how, in road mode, the Windrower runs in reverse drive with the tires up front and drive tires in the back. The operator has rotated the seat to the proper field position.
The DX 140 XL header working wide is 12.2m. In the trailer, we see the header cutting what appears to be barley and putting the whole plant in a nice windrow between the tires. The M1240 and DX140 XL are also part of the MacDon pre-order bonus.
This trailer also showed weed harvesting and the FD 140 Flex draper header with Case IH harvester for long grain rice. The final piece of equipment in the MacDon pack is the R16 SP Rotary disc mower combined with the M1240. It can mow down all hay at 16 mph or 26 km/hour!
Get ready, farmers! MacDon is coming to Farming Simulator 25 on November 12! Pre-order now and unlock the exclusive MacDon Pack, featuring FIVE awesome machines to boost your farm!
Author: farmingsimulator25mods.com