FS25 Worker System, Dynamic soil and more features

FS25 Worker System, Dynamic soil and more features
Farming Simulator 25 is the latest upcoming farming simulation game from GIANTS Software. The latest entry offers a lot of new and interesting features, which have left us and the rest of the community pretty excited about what’s to come. With GPS functionality finally built into the game, a much-improved worker system, and exciting, dynamic soil already confirmed, this looks to be a very solid release. But there’s even more than that!
In this feature overview article, we will go through some of the key points that were already confirmed by the game’s developers – and offer you an in-depth look at what the Farming Simulator 25 is going to offer.
GPS is finally on FS25 – and the workers have improved
One of the most awaited features of Farming Simulator 25, GPS, will finally be a part of the game! This was previously only available as a third-party mod from one of the talented modders. Now, we can’t wait to see what GIANTS have taken from these mods and how the official version will compare.
With GPS enabled, you should be able to work with top precision, even on the most complicated fields. It should work for both standards and modded maps and seamlessly fit within whatever you have in mind. The GPS helps to better align and steer your machines – however, from what is being reported, the GPS on FS25 does not save any of the courses, so you will need to spend some time planning everything each time.
The worker system has been overhauled as well, bringing you a lot more possibilities and freedom. The helper can turn to the field, which means that they will be able to move while saving space, and you can use the headland a lot more efficiently. This was something that was lacking in the previous game versions, and it’s a very welcome change. The updated worker system is built separately from the GPS, so you can do both at the same time – using manual GPS while the worker adapts their work according to the instructions.
Combining these two features together should get you a powerful duo, which will help you work the fields a lot faster. The workers can now be trusted to take over tedious tasks that players previously had to do by themselves, and the GPS precision should make everything perfect to an inch. If it works well, this added functionality will be a game changer on large and oddly shaped fields, making the stock Farming Simulator experience better than ever before.
Flexibility, control, and modern technology are all very important things to many Farming Simulator players. With these updates, it seems that GIANTS Software is showing its commitment, and we can’t wait to try the system by ourselves. The GPS function and the much-improved helper system should make farming more enjoyable and significantly less time-consuming: the way all work should be!
Dynamic soil and Water mechanics
By far, the most interesting feature for many Farming Simulator players – ourselves included – is the dynamic soil. Given just how obviously integral realistic soil is to farming gameplay, this should come as no surprise. With the updated soil, we will see the real changes to the way it behaves – a realistic system will respond to ground deformations, tracks, and various weather effects. It will stay affected for a while, just like it would in real life, gradually fading away over time.
The dynamic soil deformation comes as a major change: previously, if you were to go through the soil with your machinery, it would simply change its texture. Now, it’s a lot more realistic and varied. This way, the gameplay changes a little as well. Each trip will be different, and you will need to consider the weight of the vehicles, the movements you are making, as well as the existing and recent weather effects. Expect realistic soil compaction and ruts, as well as updated driving mechanics; uneven terrain and muddy fields will be a lot more realistic.
But of course, you can’t have realistic soil without realistic water – and Farming Simulator 25 brings that as well. Given that Farming Simulator 25 will focus a lot on Asian maps, it’s not surprising to see the water become more realistic, improving its look, physics, and the way it reflects light. But it’s not just about the looks. The water displacement feature allows for water to realistically affect the way soil behaves during and after rain. Puddles and muddy patches will make the soil a lot more difficult to drive on. Muddy fields and wet tires will become more than just cute visual effects but will have a profound effect on how your machinery handles.
These two features combine to make this the biggest improvement to soil on this franchise for years, asking for players to play tactically and strategically. It’s a whole new challenge adding to extra immersion. Keep paying attention, and adapt – and you will have no issues on the latest Farming Simulator 25 game.
New implements and interactive buildings
Farming Simulator 25 adds several new improvements to the way you play this game. New interactive buildings and updated implements add several additional layers of realism, as well as more options for you to use. The updated attachments are coming – and we got a sneak peek at some of them with the Macedon package, which comes free of charge to everyone who pre-orders the game. This includes the Macedon M1240, a combine harvester that can be supplemented with various grass-cutting add-ons, which will help you work more efficiently and maximize your profits.
The attachment for the New Holland machinery, specifically for picking up swaths, has also been announced. Using it, you can be very efficient at harvesting the entire swath of barley or other crops. With the various new implements, you can make your farming not only very effective but versatile as well. You will be able to use a lot more of your machinery to do a lot more tasks – which should offer you options to do a lot more work with a lot less investment.
FS25 will also include a wide range of interactive buildings – they are not just for decoration but instead can play an integral role in your gameplay. For example, in the newest version of the main American map, you will be able to rebuild several buildings through construction contracts. While it’s not exactly farming, it’s land development – and using these options efficiently will make your gaming experience a lot more exciting.
The improved functionality of the buildings is absolutely going to be helpful to the modding community. FS25 will continue the series’ commitment to being as friendly to modders as possible. With that, we expect the experienced modding community to take these new interactive buildings and give them even more functionality. Given how creative and fun the mods have been with much fewer stock features, we can’t wait to see what the FS25 mods will bring.
GIANTS Software appears to be very committed to keep expanding and improving the gameplay experience on the latest FS25 game and beyond. The new interactive buildings and attachments add a layer of realism to the game and open up many more new possibilities. If you’re looking to build your farm your way, the latest Farming Simulator game should make you very happy.
Are NPCs and facial animation updates on the way?
This is not fully confirmed – but there have been enough leaks to get the community up in arms. The leaks include some information about NPCs (non-player characters) and the fact that they might finally have some facial animations. If this is actually true, and we see facial expressions on NPCs, expect the game to look a lot more lively and realistic.
It is possible that NPCs might expand on their current functionality, which is just taking on simple tasks. The updated NPCs could actually start communicating with the players – they might even have their own voices and would have detailed facial animations and reactions. It could work as a part of the tutorial, as options for accepting and completing contracts, and more, which should massively improve on the game’s realism.
If the players could actually interact with NPCs, and they could give orders, provide instructions, and carry out dialogue, this would mark a massive leap in how the game is played and presented. Although absolutely nothing about this is confirmed, this does feel like the logical next step for the latest generations of the game. We will see whether that is added for the game – or will we need to wait until FS28 to get an even deeper RPG-like experience?
Conclusion on FS25 updates and leaks
Farming Simulator 25 brings a lot of great new features and improvements, which, if implemented correctly, should massively improve the realism and overall experience of the game. The GPS system is a long-awaited stock feature, the helper system is finally receiving the features players have been asking for, and soil deformation, as well as updated water, could be absolute game changers. This might have a wonderful effect on how the game looks – and how we experience it.
The updates of farming equipment and buildings were expected, and it’s always great to see them. Offering plenty of new material for both regular farmers and modders, this should be a great addition. Updates to NPC animations, while still only speculated, would be amazing – and we hope to see improvements there in the future.
With all of these updates, Farming Simulator 25 should take over the crown as the best farming simulation game ever made. It makes sense: the improvements from FS22 seem pretty good, and there’s no one else out there making anything even remotely as good. We can’t wait to try out FS25 and finally get our hands on these features by ourselves.
Farming Simulator 25 will be released on November 12, 2024. It will be available on PC, Mac, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.
Author: Farming Simulator 25 Mods