How to Plant Trees in Farming Simulator 25 – Everything You Need To Know

How to Plant Trees in Farming Simulator 25 – Everything You Need To Know
Farming Simulator 25 offers a very in-depth forestry and tree cultivation system. If used well, this can be incredibly lucrative, giving you a steady source of income and helping to massively grow your farm.
While the Farming Simulator 25 game is all about – you guessed it – farming and growing various crops, logging is one of the best sources of income in the game. It’s also a lot less demanding than growing crops, as there are fewer things you need to do to get the trees ready for “harvest.”
Trees are a great way of building some wealth in the game, which you can later reinvest into expanding your fields and growing crops. Field management requires equipment, fuel, seeds, fertilizers, and more, which adds up to quite a lot. For trees, you will need very little machinery, and it can be purchased with your starting budget. Once you chop down your first trees, however, you will also need to learn how to plant them back – so you have a constant source of income at all times.
This is exactly what we’re going to talk about in this guide – read until the end, and you will learn how to plant trees on Farming Simulator 25, where you can buy the saplings, and how long everything takes. This is a deep dive that will answer most of the important questions about trees on Farming Simulator 25, so let’s get to it already!
Pros and cons of logging in FS25
There are several things to consider before you get all-in to logging on to this game. Generally speaking, it’s a pretty profitable activity, and the investment you must make to get started is not that big. The amount of work is also pretty low, making it essentially passive income. Unlike animals or plants, trees don’t require any care, soil procedures, or fertilizing. It’s a basic “plant it and forget it” situation. While that’s happening, you can focus on everything else!
For many people, logging is also one of the most interesting activities in the game. Seeing a tree grow from a tiny sapling is very rewarding, and this alone might make many people interested in and excited about this niche.
But there are some drawbacks as well – let’s talk about the pros and cons here:
- Minimal investment is required. If you’re just starting out, this should be like music to your ears. Yes, you can loan money or use money mod and get your farm off the ground that way, but you will always have to repay everything. Logging is a strategy that helps you benefit early in your savings. Only a few basic tools are needed.
- Not that much work is required. It’s something that pretty much everyone seems to agree and love: less work is good, and less work on logging means you can do several things at once. This is not like the fields you have to jump around constantly or animals that need to be taken care of all of the time. Sure, there are always some more complex things, such as buying the land or dealing with the timber you have already collected. But compared with animal husbandry and crops, tree logging is significantly more simple.
- Many species of trees you can grow. The latest Farming Simulator 25 game comes with a pretty solid list of trees that already grow on the maps – and the trees you can plan yourself. With different uses, pros, cons, and general characteristics, it is possible to experiment and create the exact kind of forest you are looking for. This not only increases the immersion by quite a lot but also lets you plan – and choose the trees with the growing time and prices that suit you the best.
- Products made from your wood can be easily sold. There are plenty of ways you can use your material – with some of the products being useful to your farm as well!
- No knowledge or experience is required. If growing crops on Farming Simulator 25 often makes you feel like you’ve done something terribly wrong, forestry will be a welcome change of pace. No in-depth guides are required, and you won’t find yourself reading guides like this or YouTube tutorials at each step. You can genuinely learn all there is to learn completely on your own. However, be warned: this will take some time, simply because the trees grow pretty slowly. Speaking of which…
- It takes a lot of time. A tree takes around 2.5 years of in-game time to fully grow. It’s not a rule – certain species will grow to roughly their full potential in less than two years. For most, this is the biggest dealbreaker. That being said, it’s still a pretty fast growth period compared to a decade or more in real-life circumstances.
- Logging won’t make you rich. Yes, the introductory costs will be low, and the amount of work required is minimal. However, due to its hands-off approach, it’s not the best option to go all-in on logging and nothing else. It takes a lot of time to get paid, and scaling your forestry business would take a lot of time – by then, it makes more sense to take the money you earned early in the logging and reinvest it into growing crops.
All in all, logging is an excellent thing to partake in while you’re early in your save. However, once you chop down the trees that already grow on your land, it will take years or game time for you to make even more money. But it’s a very simple activity that can help you get the required funds to become an even better farmer.
What trees are available on Farming Simulator 25?
In the FS25 game, you can choose from a pretty large variety of trees. They’re all slightly (or very) different from one another, varying in the time it takes for them to grow, the height of growth, and the price of timber. They also vary in what they can be used for instance, poplar is only usable for poplar bales, but varieties like birch or oak are perfect for making many products, like furniture. Therefore, that timber will sell a lot easier.
Here are the main types of trees available on Farming Simulator 25:
- Oak
- Willow
- Maple
- Common Pine
- Spruce
- Birch
- Pagoda Dogwood
- Downy Serviceberry
- Stone Pine
- Poplar
- Cypress
- American Ash
- Woolly Hackberry
We won’t cover that in-depth in this article (there is plenty of information you can find on that!), but each tree has different growth rates, ranging from 1 to 5 game years, and has different preferences for how they’re planted. For instance, certain trees, such as poplar, benefit from being planted extremely close to one another. Meanwhile, other trees, like oaks, actually require a lot of space. If you want the growth rates and heights to be as optimal as possible, it’s very important to adhere to this basic rule.
What equipment do you need to plant trees on FS25?
In this part of the article, we will talk about the equipment you need to plant trees in the game. The manufacturer or model will not play a crucial role – as long as you have the suitable types of equipment, you will be just fine. We will add any recommendations for specific models as well.
If you don’t plan to go all-in on forestry and just look to chop down some existing trees and reinvest money into a larger forest – don’t buy anything too expensive. This is not meant to be an expensive side gig: don’t make it like that! A budget model should do the trick, provided you have enough capacity and horsepower that this job requires.
Here’s what equipment you need to plant trees on FS25:
- A tractor. This is absolutely essential – and chances are, you already have it with you! This is where a tree planter will be attached. You don’t need anything massive, and most mid-range options should be perfectly capable. The only thing that matters here is the horsepower and whether this tractor can pull the tree planter of your choice.
- Tree planter. This is the star of the show – and the only piece of machinery we don’t expect anyone to have unless they’ve already done forestry before. Damcon PL-75 is the option we end choosing at 90% of the saves. It works easily on any tractor that we actively use, and it works well for planting all types and sizes of trees.
- Front tractor weight. If you have a large tractor you can dedicate to your tree-planting activities, this will not be needed. But if you use something smaller, a front weight is a must-have addition. If you don’t use a front weight and happen to do planting with a small tractor, there is a pretty big chance that it’s going to rear up.
- Sapling transportation machine. Or, to put it in much less fancy terms – any vehicle you can store things in. Think of a tractor with a trailer or even a car with a pickup bed.
- Saplings. Obviously, you must have them. We will discuss the process of buying them below.
And that’s it! This is all the equipment and items you will need to be fully prepared to plant trees in Farming Simulator 25. As said before – this is a pretty small investment that can yield pretty good results.
Planting Trees in Farming Simulator 25
After all this talk, we have finally reached the part of the article where we tell you the main thing – how to plant trees in Farming Simulator 25. We’ll give you a step by step instructions just to make it as clear as it can be. Yes, this is a very simple process, but this way, you should be able to follow everything even more easily.
Step 1: Purchase everything you need to get started
We provided some additional information about this above – all you need to do is go to the store (“P” key, just to be sure). We won’t bother you with useless details, like how to buy a tractor or something like that. You should know this already. Just make sure that the tractor that you pick actually has enough power to work with your planter.
As for a planter, they are located in the “Forestry Equipment” part of the shop. As we’ve said previously, one of our favorite options is the Damcon PL-75. The weights should be in the “Tools” section, and transport for moving seedlings around you might actually already have. Any tiny tractor with a trailer, a truck, or a pickup will do. You can use whatever you use to transport pallets if you’ve done such a thing before.
It isn’t necessary to buy very powerful equipment, as most of the planters – such as the Damcon PL-75 – won’t be able to fit a massive amount of seedlings in any way. But if you have a massive truck you can use, you can transport all of the seedlings with you to the planting site. This should save you a few trips along the way, saving even more time.
And, of course, you can’t forget the seedlings. They are available in the “Pallets” section of the “Tree Seedlings” subcategory. Simply choose whatever type of tree you want to have growing on your fields, and press Enter to buy them.
Now, this should get you everything that you need to have – and with that, here comes the next step.
Step 2. Buy the land
Of course, you can easily just plant trees in whatever area you already own on your savings. This area doesn’t have to be fully prepared for cultivation – you’re now sowing wheat here. Any part is fine, including bushy and overgrown areas. All you need is to actually own it, and have the required space to actually plant things.
If you haven’t purchased a plot of land before, here is how you do it: first, open the map (press M to open the map, press X to see the plots available for purchase.) You will see the plots you already have highlighted in green. Click on a plot you don’t own once, and then press the SPACEBAR to finalize the purchase.
Step 3: Move the seedlings to your plot of land
You got the equipment, you got the land: now it’s time to put them together in harmony. Attach your plant to your tractor. This can be done by entering the tractor, starting the engine, and reversing so the back of the tractor is as close to the front of the planter as possible. Once you get close, a message on the screen will appear, that will indicate that a connection is possible. When that happens, press Q, and everything should connect automatically.
If this doesn’t work, make sure that you’re actually approaching the planter from the right side.
Now, with your brand new convoy, approach the pallets full of seedlings. Drive the planter as close to the pallets as possible and wait for the message to pop up. Once it does, press R – and the seedlings from the pallets will automatically get into the planter.
If you have a lot of seedlings that fit nicely into whatever machine you have, you can simply move them right into the planting area.
But now, once you have a tractor with a planter connected, and the planter is full of seedlings, you can move to the field – and start planting!
Step 4: Planting the trees
Arrive at the location. Plan out a route: either by yourself or with the help of the FS25 GPS tool. Press the V button, this will lower the planting machine, and get it at its operational angle. Start the machine using the B key.
Move forward, and make sure to keep the lines straight. The straighter the lines, the move even the bits between the trees will be. As you know, the correct distance will help the trees grow better. The gold standard for most classic trees is around 5 meters.
Once making turns to plant trees in the new row, turn off the machine temporarily using the B button. This will help make sure you’re not wasting seedlings by planting them all over your turning radius. Once the turn is completed, press B again – and so on, and so forth. Make sure to keep an eye on how many seedlings you have and how much fuel is left. If needed, turn off your planter, lift it up with the V key, and go do your business.
How long does it take for the trees to grow in FS25?
The tree growth times on FS25 are pretty different, depending on the type of tree you’re talking about. Other things, like soil and spacing, are also going to have an effect. Generally, expect the trees to fully grow in about 2-3 years in the game. Some varieties can take up to 5 – and others, such as poplar, will reach their full potential in just around 16 months.
However, there is no such thing as a “tree growth hack”, or a type of tree that both grows fast and makes a lot of money. We have noticed that the price of the timber is directly connected to how long the trees take to grow. If you’re looking to make big money from logging, we suggest planting trees that take the longest to grow and simply making your forest as big as possible.
Making money from timber on FS25
The entire forestry business in this game is about selling timber. The more processed it is, the better the price. For example, a fully grown tree can be cut down and processed into planks, which will yield a very solid income. Alternatively, you can see the whole logs, which will make you less money, but be less work. Or, if you don’t have long and massive trunks, simply process the trees into wood chips. They will be worth less, but they are of great use for trees that can’t be processed into anything else.
Various productions use wood as well, and while you can buy it yourself, it might be tempting to make an entire production chain, maximizing your profit. For example, furniture is a great pick. You can make pallets as well. Wood is always in demand, and if you find a product you use a lot or can comfortably sell, forestry can open plenty of new avenues.
Farming Simulator 25 Tree Planting Tips
Here are some things we wished we had known when we started playing around with forestry – read them now, and learn things the easy way!
- Poplar grows like a weed – it’s fast and absolutely unstoppable. However, it’s pretty hard to make a good profit from this, even if it grows incredibly fast. It’s hard to recommend it for most people.
- Soil treatment and fertilizers are a waste of time. No one has found any way to make this worthwhile.
- Large straight-trunk trees will give you the best opportunities to make the best profits and set up some lucrative production chains. You can’t go wrong with pine or spruce.
- Broadleaf trees (like maple) are excellent for wood chips. Basically, such trees won’t make long and even logs, they go all over the place and have a lot of branches. Any branchy tree will be a pain to turn into anything else but chips.
- Specialized planting equipment is nice, but it can be a massive waste of money, especially in the early stages of the game. We suggest it only if you have a plan to turn a massive plot of land into a forest, but that will only come later in the game when you have plenty of budget to burn.
- Planting trees too close to one another not only reduces growth rates but also becomes an absolute pain to harvest the trees once they grow. 5 meters is a great distance because that’s about the width you need for the machinery to pass through. If you have some massive machinery, you can go for more.
And that is all! By now, you should know all the basics of planting trees in FS25. There’s still plenty to talk about, so check out the other articles on our site and find out even more Farming Simulator 25 mods.
That’s all! Thank you for your attention. If the guide was helpful, please rate it with likes and comments. Also, feel free to ask questions and share useful tips. Your advice might help other players. See you soon in other gaming guides!