Papenburger V2 4K V2.3.4

Papenburger V2 4K V2.3.4
I hereby present to you the Papenburg Card v2 4K. This is a 4X map – It has 105 fields with a total of 1042.9 hectares – 44855 trees
- Multiple sales and productions. (Something may be missing, so let me know)
- Attention !! There is traffic, but be careful at the big intersection, they only go straight.
- Use caution or block traffic while waiting for new work lights to be installed.
- There is a small starting area with a few machines.
First of all, only the bare essentials! There will be a real courtyard in a future update.
Known Issues: There are some invalid case warnings on Dediserver. I will correct them over time.
sales outlets visible again
Papenburger map 2.3.3
– Farm configuration revised
– duplicate buildings deleted
DPU sacling error fixed **finally 3 crosses**
– Large cowshed on the main farm replaced by a cowshed with feeding robot
– Shed cowshed kicked out
– Fixed marker icon errors for the farmhouses
– all buildings now have FarmID “0” and run with “buywithfarmland”
– Mod pack included in the rar no longer a separate download
Required mods:
PlanET Modular BGA
Author: Jimkerk
Jak vypnu tu hudbu? Vypnuté rádoio na to nermá vliv
Ok zdá se že to hraje jen na začátku. Fajn
No dost mechápu jak se mám dostat s traktorem z garáže když nejdou otevřít vrata, To samé platí o osobním automobilu který je v garáži ale není možné s ním vyjet ven. Po další zkoumání jsem zjistil, že musí být nastaveno “vlastní farma” pak jde vše otvírat. Dosud jsem to netušil. Možná by se to mohlo někde zmínit ne každý to musí vědět. 🙂
how can you use the files/update. ?
So far I have found only one error. At 2 of the garages, the doors do not open, but they cannot be sold either.
None of the doors on any of the newly added sheds open for me
Hi Fantastic map . perfect for autodrive and course play but … I have a problem with a Vaderstad roller implement that gets stuck in the ground when it turns in the field. same error when I cut down trees with the Komatsu the tree top goes through the ground then you can’t saw the tree up .
Regards Johan . A
downloaed new version and now kuhstall_gross missing dont know where to find
mit dem heutigen update ist die karte um welten schlechter geworden, der überfrachtete starthof, dinge die man nicht verkaufen kann / löschen kann usw. leider alles sehr unnötig und daher lieber reroal auf die vorgänger version.
to be fair this aint an approvement, i have ur older map and it still way better. also why the hell do you keep placing those fields so close to everything. AI gets stuck at every bend and turn. also the massive amount of trees and bushes isnt making the map look nicer it looks horrible. everytime i go into the editor and delete alot of them same goes for the fields i have to alter them to get the AI to work properly. i dont like to rant but even my friend said was he drunk.
after saving infinite loading of the map at 99%
Productions and sale do not appear selling points listed when checking crop levels,
Is it possible to replace the ols version witch this one or is a new savegame requiered?
Please make it possible to remove/replace the big dark green hedges.
I agree – the non-removable green hedge is annoying
It is not possible to plant rice, neither regular nor long grain rice is possible to plant.
I found an error, it is not possible to plant rice, neither regular nor long grain rice can be planted. please fix it.
De boerderij bij veld 36 kan je de schuren en de rest niet gebruiken
Why the non-removable hedges between fields, 54,55,56,57 and 103, 133? I wanted to join those fields, but I’ll always have that non-removable line of hedges in the middle of the field. Why put that in at all if they cannot be removed. So stupid.
Nevermind. I removed it with the Editor.
dpu frame buffer scaling error (larger than the primary) gives me this error when am trying to plant rice and long grain rice.