US Flatlands Map 4x v1.3

US Flatlands Map 4x v1.3
Here is a fairly basic US-style flat lands map (4X)
New updates:
- Added Hops crop (uses Maize header)
- Added another store and cafe
- Added a Lays Factory (for potato chips)
- Added some road signage and railroad signage
- Add brewery (original by Giants/TheSnake from FS22)
- 200 Fields of varying sizes
I’m a one-man show, so I’ve tested as best I can. To prevent possible errors, I suggest a new save game.
I will not be doing as many updates as there is plenty to keep me busy (play-wise), although I do want to add some more infrastructure.
Author: geeman72/Giants
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
The fertilizer and stonepicker contracts are bugged and can’t be completed
indeed, stuck at 27% fertilized
Stones are still not working and can you please try and not say a new save game is need please just because i have worked so hard between updates to build my farm up and need to start all over again
du travail incroyable, j’adore ta map et chaque mise a jour vraiment, j’attend a chaque fois de recommencer avec les mises a jour, joue pas trop comme ça tu nous sortiras plus de mise a jour xD 🙂
Really nice Map. I love it. Good work! Keep it up budy! 🙂
The price list says “Whiskey”. Where can you make whiskey? We haven’t found a distillery or anything similar.
Can you fix the road system, still can’t get any of the vehicles to drive/deliver anywhere ! Otherwise great map buddy.
does field fertilization work for you?
same as down below – contract for fertilize are bugged to 27 or 41%
Fertilizing on fields 43 and 44 not working on newly planted grass fields.