Rolling land in FS25 – why and how should you do it

Rolling land in FS25 – why and how should you do it
Soil management is a very important part of Farming Simulator 25 gameplay – and rolling the land is one of the essential things every farmer in the game should be doing. It’s a simple activity that can give you major benefits, increasing your overall yield and helping you to grow your harvests. If you are looking to build a successful farm, and obviously, that’s what everyone here is trying to do – you should be rolling your land as well.
The benefits of land rolling on FS25 are pretty clear – this is a way to remove the weeds, push the stones right back into the ground, and make the soil more compact, improving its overall texture. The soil gets more oxygen and nutrients, and that makes it a much better environment for your crops to thrive in.
For some, this might appear a slight waste of time and resources. After all, a special roller is required for land rolling, which is an additional investment. And even after a successful rolling, the increase in overall yield is not that massive. However, land rolling offers more than just small benefits for your harvest. For instance, the stones pushed back into the ground can no longer negatively affect your machinery, and you don’t have to use a special stone collector.
Let’s talk more about this right here: here’s how to roll land in FS25 and what you need to do everything as efficiently as possible.
Benefits of rolling land on FS25
Rolling the land on FS25 is not mandatory – you can easily get good harvests without using this technique. However, there are many advantages to rolling your land on Farming Simulator 25 – here’s what they are:
- Eliminating the weeds. Land rolling helps you clean up your field of unwanted plants.
- Better overall yield. Better soil structure improves nutrient absorption. The crop production increases – each rolling gives you a roughly 2–2.5% increase in your harvest.
- Pushing back stones. Stones are pushed right back into the soil, reducing their negative impact on machinery.
Using rollers on your FS25 field not only helps to slightly improve your yield. It’s also a simple procedure that helps you avoid the time consuming and annoying process of picking up stones, making the overall farming experience a little bit better.
When should you roll your field on FS25?
The best time for rolling your field is immediately after sowing the crops. This is when the soil is at its loosest, and a rolling process helps to easily compact it. A more compact soil is also better for the seeds, as it’s a much better environment for them to grow into seedlings.
However, right after sowing isn’t the only time when it’s beneficial to roll the land. This can also be done after cultivation, plowing, and fertilizing. Think of it like this: the more your tools have affected the soil structure, the more beneficial it is to roll afterward.
Just don’t forget why you are doing this – only roll a field that has actually been sown. Rolling an empty field won’t give you any benefits, as there is no seed that can benefit from your hard work.
What equipment do you need to roll land in FS25?
For rolling, you will need some equipment: but chances are, you already have something that you need. First up, you will need a tractor. Pretty much any tractor would do: but we recommend you to use a pretty powerful option, as rollers can get pretty heavy, and a bigger roller would help you get the job done faster. Generally, we suggest sticking with medium and large-size tractors. A small one won’t be useful.
Next up, a special land roller is required. Soil rollers have their own category in the shop, so you should find them pretty easily. There are numerous options to choose from, and the right option will depend on your budget, tractor, and size of the field. If you’re still early in the game, we recommend getting just about the biggest one your current equipment can pull. Once your farm grows, there will be very little use of a roller that’s too small!
Of course, some machinery balancing will be required. If you don’t have a tractor powerful enough to pull even the basic medium-sized rollers, it might be worth investing in a tractor first. Generally, heavy rollers will be a lot more effective, but a light or a medium roller can still do a pretty good job. Just make sure that your purchase is good enough to be useful for a long period of time.
How to roll land in FS25?
Once you have the right tractor, and purchase the suitable roller from the shop, the rest of the process is somehow even more simple.
All you have to do to roll land in FS25, is get into your tractor, back it up to the hitch of the roller, and press the key to attach the two together. Move towards the field you’re looking to roll, get yourself to the very edge, lower the roller blades, and start moving.
There is no need to turn the rollers on: they will turn on automatically. Simple move through the field with the roller lowered, and everything will work as it should. Keep your tractor straight, once the first line is done, move to the side, and repeat the process until you are done.
Rolling in slow and super boring. That’s why we can’t rightly recommend that anyone do this manually on every single field that they have. Make sure to try out the newest built-in GPS features in FS25 and use the improved workers to do this job for you. Once you have the right equipment and the know-how of when and how to do it – everything else will fall into place.
That’s pretty much everything there is to know: how you know why and how to roll land in FS25. Get yourself some new equipment, and let’s get rolling!
Author: Farming Simulator 25 Mods