Make money using chickens in Farming Simulator 25
Make money using chickens in Farming Simulator 25
Chickens can be a nice revenue stream for your farm – in order for that to work, you will need to know a few things. This is exactly what we’re going to cover in this article.
In order to make using chickens on Farming Simulator 25, you will need to start with a flat surface to place the chicken coop on. So, find a nice field, and clear off all the weeds and other things that get in the way. Once that field is nice and ready, purchase a chicken coop. It can be found in the “Animal Pens” section of the placeables.
If you’re just starting out your farm, we recommend starting with a small chicken coop and a small pen. Even if you already have enough funds to go big, but have no experience working with chickens, we suggest starting small. Once you get some experience, you can simply replace it with a bigger coop.
Once you’re done with the basics and the chicken coop is standing proudly on your farm, it’s time to start growing those chickens and making money.
How do you make money from your FS25 chickens?
The most common way to make money on FS25 using chickens is to get eggs. Keep breeding them until you have a nice farm, sell eggs on the market, and you’re golden.
With your chicken coop nice and ready, you will have to go to the animal dealer and get some chickens. The number of chickens you can buy will be limited, not only by the funds that you have, but also by the limits of the pen.
How to feed your chickens?
Chickens can be fed using either wheat or barley. You can grow it yourself, or simply buy some feed from the store. Whatever method you choose, you will also need to manually transport the feed to the coop, using whatever machinery you have available. A basic tractor will do a fine job, as long as you have a suitable front loader attachment. It can do more than transport chicken feed from point A to B, so chances are that you either have it, or will need it at some point.
1000 liters of food will be enough to keep your chickens happy and fed for a long time. For a larger coop, this number increases to around 5000.
Feed isn’t the only thing that matters when raising your chicken. Keeping things nice and tidy is also crucial. A clean coop will increase both happiness and productivity of your animals. This means more eggs, and this, of course, means more money you can make for your farm.
How to sell the eggs on FS25?
Once you finally have some eggs available, you will need to make sure you can sell them.
In order to sell the eggs on FS25, you will need to sell them in boxes, and be able to transport them from the coop to the store. A pickup truck or a trailer works very well here.
To make sure your farm can increase its productivity and egg yield, you will want to keep a high reproduction rate. In this game, a simple tip is to try and purchase the chickens of the same breed (in this case, color). Same way, if you want the reproduction to slow down, you can easily replace some chickens with a different color breed.
The reproduction rate of your farm won’t be available immediately. It will take some egg-laying time, and then you will know just how quickly your chicken farm will grow. With the statistics and predicted rate, you will be able to make the right decision on whether you have enough facilities to keep all of your chicken. If not, this data will be crucial to make decisions for the future.
Author: Farming Simulator 25 Mods